What Is In My Diaper Bag

The Bag:

  • Beis Backpack or Aloha Day Tripper - the backpack is over the top but has every accessory you can think of and makes you feel ready to take on anything. I prefer a backpack when traveling, but caught myself gravitating towards a more generic tote more and more - personal preference there! And my Beis backpack broke because I put too much in it. People swear by the Lululemon parent backpack. Iโ€™ve realized I just need a bag with some room for my organized smaller bags

Every Day Essentials:

  • Pehr changing pad - with some diaper cream and dog poop bags - seriously needed those many times on the go for blow outs ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Hand sanitizer and surface wipes

  • Diapers - try to always have 5 on hand

  • Wipes - I also keep a stash in the car - never know!

  • Portable sound machine - helpful to use in loud enviornments

  • Pehr or Aloha large storage pouch - extra onesie and PJs, hat, bib, toys - spinner, crunch toys/books, small teethers, Baby animals book

  • Change of clothes for her

  • AMMA nursing cover

  • Nalgene with boiled water for bottles

  • Now that she eats/we do formula - Small lunch box with formula dispenser, empty bottles and snacks

  • Bendy portable fan - I used it in labor and itโ€™s nice to have on the stroller for restaurants


Baby Gear : What We Love, Use, Hate, Found No Use For (And lots of other opinions)


Gifting a Griever