What I Packed In My Hospital Bag For An Induction

After looking at all the lists and creating piles around my room for weeks, it was time to finally get that hospital bag ready a few weeks before baby’s due date! I ended up scheduling an induction, so I had plenty of time to fine tune what I brought. I have included everything we packed for our 2 night hospital stay for our first baby.

My biggest piece of advice is to have it all organized in bags within your main bag (toiletry bag, cube for bras/underwear/bag, bag of shoes, cube for all baby items), so you are not having to dig around too much. Most of the time, I was asking my husband to grab something, so having items in specific bags (within the larger bag) made it so he could easily find it.

You will also be pleasantly surprised with how much the hospital provides, but it was so nice having some comforts of home to keep me calm and feeling like myself in such a unique hospital stay,

For Mama

  • Comfy Clothes: Vuori Joggers & zip up sweatshirt were the perfect combo

  • For the feet, I packed super cozy butter socks, hotel slippers & a pair of sandals

  • Nursing bra & tank top - I wore a sports bra during labor, which was not ideal for skin to skin once she was born. I wish I had been wearing one of these or had one to put on afterwards

  • Button Up PJs - Definitely nice for breast feeding and since it does get cold in the hospital, I would recommend long sleeves or pants

  • Clip on Stroller Fan - We put it right on the bed and I used it when I was pushing

  • Chap stick

  • Face wipes & spray/mist - just nice to have to feel refreshed

  • Deodorant - duh :)

  • My own face lotion, liquid foundation & mascara to feel a little put together that next day after delivery

  • Hair ties, headband & hair brush

  • Contacts & Glasses

  • Essential oils to help you relax

For Baby

  • Swaddles - You will be given baby blankets, but you likely have some super soft & beautiful ones that you want o wrap your baby up in once you get to meet them

  • Going home outfit - It was fun putting her in her first little outfit. We did not know if she was going to be a boy or girl, so we had a few options and gender neutral items

  • Hats & mits - We used the had they provided overnight and then put a soft one one the next morning. Mits are something we used for maybe the first 3 days of her life and that was it, so definitely not a necessity!

  • Any sort of name/welcome sign for photos

  • Onesies and PJs - I packed her lots of outfits and PJs, but the hospital ended up giving us the first onesie along with hats, so we ended up using those until it was time to change her to go home.

For Us

  • Cooler of snacks - We packed some cheese, crackers, fruit, etc and since the food was not too great at the hospital and the hours of the cafeteria were a little weird, it was so nice to have options on hand, especially for dad.

  • Laundry bag

  • Camera

  • iPad to watch a few shows

  • Extra long phone chargers

  • Insurance cards and IDs

  • Birth Plan

  • Pens - plenty of paperwork!

  • Speaker - it was so nice being able to have music playing during labor and then we literally had it playing that whole next day after she was born

  • Foldable tote bag or some sort of extra bag for all of the items you get from the hospital

  • Water bottle - You will get one from the hospital, but it’s nice to have an extra one from dad

  • Extra pillow and blanket for dad

Things I Didn’t Bring or Need (But Are Helpful for Others!)

  • Towel/Shower Products: I didn’t end up showering until we got home as we only stayed the 24 hours after she was born and I still had plenty of IV attachments. I totally could have had one there, but it just seemed like I could wait a bit to have one at home. If I had showered there, I would have loved to have had my own items to use!

  • Pump: I honestly didn’t even think about this and did not have one with me. Luckily, she latched easily and quickly, but I know mamas you have had to pump from the start or were in the hospital for longer and needed to start a stash.

  • The hospital will give you pads, diapers, and plenty of other essentials, so don’t feel you will need those

  • Nursing Pillow - I packed it, but left it in the car. I ended up using my blanket for extra support, but I can see how it would have been nice to have that pillow - just not totally necessary!


Gifting New Parents


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