Here We Go!

Let’s see… a fresh 30 year old is furloughed from her salary job selling weddings and social events at a five star hotel during the COV-ID 19 pandemic, makes a sourdough starter, attempts some watercolor, looks at a lot of memes, does yoga on IG Live and tries her best to train her dog on how to do a downward dog. Only thing left is to

While the above is all completely accurate, let me reframe is, so you can understand where this is really coming from. My first blog was from 2011 to keep my family interested and involved in my travels during my semester abroad and followed closely by my next blog, Dine In the 509, in 2012 which was built to showcase the eats of Spokane, Washington. I wanted to turn that into something, but when I moved out of the 509 area code, it was not exactly something I could sustain. I loved the outlet to create, write, share and connect.

Farm Hill is what I have wanted to start for such a long time and finally, I have the time. I have a lot of new time. Time to dream, write, play, distract, cook, explore, get creative and for the first time, just be. This is such a unique time in history and our lives. It will not be forgotten and has certainly not been easy. We are all adjusting to a new normal. My mind races a lot. A lot. It goes all over the place - do I still have a job? What does our income look like? How many more lifestyle adjustments are we making? Am I feeding my sourdough starter the right way? How many times is too many times when it comes to reorganizing the pantry? Can Zoom install a way to hug through the screen? Are our dreams on hold? Is our dog sick of us? Or is this time a gift? Is it a time for me to do some real thinking and reshape my future?

So, here we go, let’s make the best of this time. The time that is right now and all of the time that is to come.

Thank you for following along! Talk soon!


Our 3 Favorite: Dry Shampoos to Get You Through Quaratine